
General meetings of shareholders
The general meeting of shareholders deliberates on the subjects of the agenda and is convened by the Board of Directors.
The bondholders can take part in the general meeting of shareholders in an advisory capacity.
A general meeting of the shareholders of ORES sc is convened to be held on November 28th 2024; the notification is available here.
Documentation relating to the items on the agenda for this meeting can be obtained free of charge at the Company's registered office.
General meeting of bondholders
The general meeting of bondholders deliberates on the subjects of the agenda and may or shall be convened by the Board of Directors.
Each bondholder has the right to take part in the general meeting and vote on the basis of their bondholding (1 bond = 1 vote).
News for investors
Since October 2023, the Walloon distribution network operators (DSOs) and the CWaPE have been discussing the proposals for authorised electricity and gas revenues for the years 2025-2029 submitted by the DSOs to the regulator. On 28 March 2024, the regulator approved ORES Assets' authorised revenue proposals and published them on its website the following day. This completes the first of two stages in setting distribution tariffs for the next regulatory period. This phase is particularly important as it defines the budget available to the DSO for the next five years. These resources will enable it to carry out its day-to-day tasks and to support and implement its industrial plan, as set out in the strategic plan "Investing together in energy transition for all".
In December 2023, the Walloon Government approved an initial decree relating to the granting of subsidies es to ORES Assets. At the end of March 2024, the Walloon Government approved two decrees relating to the granting of subsidies to DSOs. The aim of these subsidies is to modernise the distribution networks on a massive scale in order to accelerate the energy transition by enabling the networks to absorb the greater generation of renewable energy in the future and to cope with the electrification of uses (such as electric mobility, for example). A budget envelope of € 70 million from the Walloon Recovery Plan (2024) will be granted to ORES Assets. € 76 million of European funding from the REPOWER EU programme will be divided proportionately between ORES Assets and RESA. This makes a total of € 146 million available to be invested in the networks of ORES Assets over the coming years. These funds will be used to support and implement ORES’ industrial plan as set out in its strategic plan “Investing together in energy transition for all”.